Saturday, November 8, 2014

Accountability Report October 2014

As I wrote in my previous post, for a couple of months now I've been working daily on developing a number of habits to help me live a productive and meaningful life I so much want. In October, in addition to early rising, meditation and diary writing, which have become an indispensable part of my daily routine, I tried to focus on the habit of mindful productivity, which consists in spending 10 minutes each day writing down my 3 Most Important Tasks for the day and focusing on my true intention regarding these tasks.

Well, the habit didn't work out as I wanted. I skipped a few days, and then we were on holiday in Provence, Southern France, which was a wonderful experience, but completely disrupted my habits :)

According to my records, I just did a few mindful productivity sessions in October, so there is nothing to boast about. On the other hand, I spent a lot of time with my family, rested well and got a lot of inspiration from travelling, which is great!

In November I'll keep working on mindful productivity and will add a new habit: mindful relationships (with Luda)!

Here are my stats for October:

Wake-up time (average): 06:30 a.m., way up from 05:24 in September

Sleeping time (average): 08:17 hours a day, again way up from 07:11 hours in September, which means I was sleeping a whole hour longer on an average day in October compared to September!

Diary: 13:45 hours, down from 16:25 hours in September

Meditation: 3:30 hours, way below the 10:50 hours in September :( In October, I did almost no body scan meditations that tend to be a lot longer than my sitting meditations. My October average is thus 7 minutes a day.

Work (net time): 106:40 hours, down from 156:15 in September. This is because of my holiday and a 3-day sick leave.

Family: 150:40 hours, which is a lot more than the 65:50 hours in September. Most of my time on holiday I logged as Family Time

Transportation (excluding driving to, in and from France): 13:45 hours, way less than the 24:53 hours in September.

Social media: 06:35, much less than 21:08 in September.

Reading (excl. reading on holiday): 07:55, down from 14:35 in September.

Friends: 24:55 as compared to 12:55 in September! This includes writing to friends, talking to them on the phone or via skype, meeting them in person, doing something for them.

House (working on and around the house): 28:00 hours

Community service (volunteering at school and with the neighborhood watch): 04:15 hours

Sport: 17:30 hours (down from 25:47 in September), including:
  • Biking: 182 km, 08:15 hours
  • Running: 31.2 km, 03:25 hours
  • Circuit training: 02:00
  • Soccer: 01:30

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