Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are We Our Own Slaves?

Tonight's Philosophy Cafe at De Vrije Ruimte was again a blast! Under the unmatched leadership of Pieter Mostert, we discussed the question "Are we slaves of ourselves?" using various techniques. We learned and practiced the six ways of refutation classified by the Romans:
  1. ab incerto 
  2. ab incredibili 
  3. ab impossibili 
  4. ab inconsequente
  5. ab indecente 
  6. ab incommode
Also we learned how to define things according to Aristotle, based on inclusion and exclusion.

I came up with this definition of a slave: Slave is somebody who is unaware of his/her true motives. In that sense, all of us are slaves to a greater or lesser degree.

There was a 15-year-old guy from South Africa at the cafe called Bernard. He spoke Afrikaans, which, although it is very similar to Dutch, I found hard to comprehend. Bernard was active in discussions and struck me as a sincere and intelligent young man.

By the way, tomorrow is Anne Sophie's second day at De Vrije Ruimte school! Her first day on Monday was a success. Even though she was quite shy in the morning, we had difficulty taking her home in the afternoon as she was so much enjoying playing with other kids!


  1. Hi again,
    Interesting! I'd like to know more about those techniques. Could you point to an wiki article maybe?
    By the way, was Sasha there as well? I forgot to ask her...


  2. Hi Yura,

    Thanks for your interest! I have no link, but Pieter is often using techniques described in his book Vrije Ruimte, so maybe you could look it up here: http://www.managementboek.nl/boek/9789053528273/vrije_ruimte-jos_kessels

    Sasha wanted to come, but couldn't make it because of a job interview in Hilversum.
