In December I was focusing on the habit of taking care of my money matters: spending, savings, investments, insurances, mortgage, etc. So each day I would spend at least ten minutes to work on these. Even though I skipped 2 days of the habit, I am happy with the results: I've put some 21 hours of effort into this with good results! I am planning to continue this habit in the months to come.
In January I'll be focusing on meditation and relationships, with a smaller side habit of mindful flossing in the morning after brushing my teeth.
My stats for December are as follows:
Wake-up time (average): 06:42 a.m., more than 1 hour later than in November :( I can rationalize by saying that I always sleep longer in the winter and maybe I just need more sleep during these dark months, but it would be nice if I could still get up early and use the productive morning hours to the fullest.
Sleeping time (average): 08:50 hours a day, 1.5 hours longer than in November.
Diary: 11:00 hours, again less than in the previous months
Meditation: 11:20 hours, just 20 min less than in November!
Work (net time): 129 hours, not bad considering 40 holiday hours and a professional exam study I did, including the exam itself. And yes I can now proudly call myself (for the second time now) Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer in Web Applications:)
Family: 29:00 hours, which much less than in November!
Study (including French language, Programming, Entrepreneurship, Windows Azure, etc): 82:25 hours, which is 20 hours up from November
Transportation (mostly bike commute to work): 15:25 hours, which is significantly less than the 23:50 hours in September, mostly because of the many holidays and working at home.
Social media: 08:30 hours, not too bad, one hour up from November.
Reading (excl. reading on holiday): 13:05, more than twice as much as in November!
Friends: 52:10, again more than twice as much as in November! We had many friends visiting, and we went visiting friends ourselves.
House (working on and around the house): 10:20 hours, a bit more than in November.
Community service (volunteering at school, with the neighborhood watch, and some work for the Russian Children's Theater website): 19:50 hours. again more twice as much as in November!
Sport: 15:01 hours (1/3 less than the 22 hours in November), including:
- Biking: 133 km, 06:32 hours vs 212 km, 09:42 hours in November
- Running: 50 km, 05:45 hours vs 84.93 km in 09:51 in November
- Running with Anne Sophie: 7,04 km in 01:16 hours vs 8.42 km in 01:37 hours in November
- Circuit training: 1:30 hours vs 5:50 hours in November!
- Soccer: 0 hours
Again a very good month!